Fire-End Introduces LION Fire Safety Training Tools

The best way to truly test the skills of a firefighter is through real-life emergencies, but your firefighters need to know the essentials of firefighting and disaster management before they even get to the scene of an active fire. That’s where interactive fire safety tools come into play. Fire-End has the solution for executing superb fire safety training. The new LION Fire Safety Tools product line, now available at and also available in New York State for on-site demonstration, takes virtual emergency training to a new level. This special line of LION brand fire safety tools includes a digital nozzle and weighted hose line, extended hang-time smoke generator, the SmartDummy Thermal Manikin, and the BullsEye Digital Fire Extinguisher training system. Individually, they each offer super training in emergency response skills. Combined, firefighters and rescue personnel get a true-to-life exercise in emergency response. Already well-known for supplying National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) compliant turnout gear, apparel, footwear, and brand-name emergency equipment, Fire-End is now excited to introduce these new tools to advance your staff’s emergency preparedness.

Train Firefighters Without Flowing Water

Don’t let a lack of access to flowing water prevent you from providing adequate hose line training. The LION Attack™ Digital Fire Training Panel enables fire safety personnel to learn the techniques needed for fire suppression and fire extinguishment. Without the use of water and without the need to put a fire engine out of service, you can teach proper firehose line positioning and water stream management with the weighted hose line. It has the same weight and feel of a fully charged line. The nozzle emits infrared lights and lasers that interact with digital flames from the Lion ATTACK Digital Fire Training system, simulating a water-based hose line on digital flames. Flames are only put out if the hose and nozzle are positioned correctly. Firefighters get instant feedback on their ability to use the proper hose line technique. Shop LION Attack™ Digital Fire Training

Smoke Generators for Fire Training

Another state-of-the-art fire training tool in our new lineup is the SG4000/Etna portable smoke generator, able to create dense smoke at the push of a button. Prepare your firefighters for live-fire challenges with training using LION smoke generators. These are great to give emergency personnel a harsh training environment for search and rescue, ventilation, or fire drills through zero visibility. A dual-core heater creates continuous smoke that doesn’t leave a residue and is virtually chemical-free. Shop LION Smoke Generators

Conduct Realistic Rescue Training

Train with a thermal mannequin that has heat signatures. The LION brand Thermal Manikin helps firefighters learn to use a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) for search and rescue efforts in a realistic, yet safe, fire emergency setting. The LION Thermal Manikin prepares first responders and fire personnel to skillfully locate victims in an emergency using embedded heat emitters and heat diffusion technology. The interactive SmartDummy Thermal Mannequin produces detectable body heat. When used in simulated-smoke, low visibility scenarios, you can teach fire rescue techniques without having to use a human “victim.” This fire training mannequin is so realistic, it even talks back to rescue personnel using a built-in voice box. When a rescue trainee calls out, it will let him or her know where it’s located or what its emergency is. This virtual-human fire-victim has uniform weight distribution and moveable joints to create a nearly real-life rescue experience. The LION Thermal Manikin is highly effective for training in smoke-filled rooms, cold-weather scenarios, building collapse, and for use in training for wilderness search and rescue. With a rechargeable built-in power supply and durable material, it’s made to withstand years of thermal imaging rescue training. Shop LION Smart Dummy Thermal Manikins

Extinguish Flames with Digital Training

LION figured out yet another effective way to offer digital fire training, using the BullsEye Digital Fire Extinguisher training system. This instructional fire extinguisher uses a laser-driven nozzle on digital flames to simulate an active fire, including smoke generation. The BullsEye has the same weight, feel, and discharge time as an actual fire extinguisher. Digital sounds also mimic an active fire. The digital flames go out only if the trainee uses proper pressure and aim. Schedule a Fire Safety Demo Provide your firefighters with realistic training but in a controlled situation. Fire-End can arrange to have any LION brand fire safety training equipment at your fire station, or your disaster and incident-management training event. National Fire Prevention Month arrives in October. Shop BullsEye Digital Fire Extinguisher training system. Contact us to schedule a demo today (New York State only).

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