Firefighter Bailout Systems and Techniques

Firefighter bailout systems are, quite literally, lifesaving. Make sure each member of your team has a UL Classified to NFPA 1983 firefighter escape system and they’re each familiar with its use to the point that they can reflexively deploy it for a secure descent when needed. Fire-End is proud to offer quality firefighter bailout systems including the popular Rock N Rescue brand of escape equipment as well as Sterling Rope bailout systems.

Firefighter Bailout Kits

A basic bailout kit includes 50 feet of rope affixed to a descender and seat harness (Class II). Your bailout kit should be always pre-rigged to your gear, so you can get out of a building in a matter of seconds. It’s imperative that you train on bailout system deployment to establish muscle memory. Firefighter bailout systems need to be implemented by reflex because every second counts. Therefore, it’s really important to make sure your team gets classroom training regarding bailout systems and hands-on experience practicing the actual “bailout” process.
Sterling Rope Escape Kit
The RNR Poseidon Escape System with Lightning Hook includes an auto-locking carabiner, lightning hook, and your choice of rope and your choice of descender, all packed into a durable bag ready worthy of joining your PPE inventory. It’s a great escape systems with everything you need and easily added to your PPE. The Sterling FCX Escape Systems is another great firefighter bailout system, available in several configurations. These systems are customizable with your choice of escape rope, anchor hook, and storage bag.

What Rope Varieties are There in Bailout Systems?

Escape bailout kits typically come with 3 rope varieties: nylon, Technora, or combination Nylon in a Technora sheath. Nylon is lightweight, supple, and cost-effective. Nylon’s melting point is lower than more expensive fibers. The Nylon Personal Escape Rope in the RNR Poseidon Escape System, however, has been tested with a remote anchor exposed to 635 degrees, and the rope did not fail in any of the tests conducted before 9 minutes. Technora offers superior performance in terms of fatigue, abrasion resistance, chemical stability and temperature resistance. It is more expensive than Nylon. Developed for Rock-N-Rescue by Sterling Rope, Safe Tech Escape Rope combines the strength of Nylon with a sheath of high heat resistant Technora for a more cost-effective solution. Not sure what rope variety to choose for your firefighter bailout system? Or, just interested in learning more about Rock N Rescue personal escape systems in general? Contact us today.

Bailout Systems Technique

The Kit needs to be stored the same way every day. Check your bailout system at the start of your shift each day, just as you would any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). With one hand on the hook and one hand on the rope, about a foot below your descender, head to the window and crouch. At the window, set the hook, and lean your way up and over the window opening. Reset/orient yourself. Release the rope and safely descend.

Inspect Your Bailout System

As with all PPE, inspect your bailout system before each shift. Fire-End sells whole escape systems as well as individual hooks, descent devices, rope, and storage.

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