The Fire Hooks Promaxx 24 is the marriage of the Firemaxx and Pro-Bar 24”.
Includes the 14-in-1 Firemaxx and the Pro-Bar 24" with two rings and reflective shoulder strap. A yellow Velcro mini-marrying strap marries them together. A chrome trigger snap attaches to the rings of the Pro Bar 24".
The Firemaxx is a Task Master "14 in 1"
1 - Axe
2 - Hammer
3 - Spanner Wrench
4 - Windshield Cutter
5 - Rappelling Ring
6 - Gas Shut-Off
7 - Water Shut-Off
8 - Battery Disconnect
9 - Dry Wall Cutter
10 - Forcible Entry
11 - Hinge Remover
12 - Pry Bar
13 - Stortz Latch Opener
14 - Hood Remover
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